
[ HTJ Podcast ] The U.S. Real Estate Forensics’s -Top 10 Signs of a Potential Scam-Ep. 10




Hi, my name is Hanna and today we have our US tax expert, Derren. We also have our US real estate and legal expert, Jay. We will be discussing Us real estate forensic.



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Hi, we’re live. Hi, my name is Hanna and I’m based in Indonesia and I’m working in an international tax consultant team. And today we will talk about your US real estate forensic. And this episode is about a real estate scam. So right now I’m here with two of our experts. So first of all, Derren, would you mind introducing yourself?



Hi, thanks, Hannah. Hello everybody. So we continuing this series. My name is Derren Joseph, and I’m an international tax consultant with a team called Moores Rowland and my specialty is an international tax in general, but US international in particular. Good to be here.



Jay, would you mind introducing yourself?



Yeah, sure. My name is Jay Knight. Thanks very much for having me again. I am an international real estate investor and I also am a real estate broker from California, so great to be here. Thank you.



Okay, the last but not the least is number 10, denounce. Those who disagree with them as negative thinkers or dream stealers. So, Jay, why do you think about this?



Well, again, this is a very classic, tactic by, I mean, not just scammers, but I would say, motivational real estate seminars, leaders in general, right? Everything was always positive. Everything was always going to be an easy flow to the top. And anybody who has any kind of doubt or questions in or brings up anything that goes counter to that positivity is going to be labeled as a negative thinker or someone who just doesn’t get it, or doesn’t have the right mindset or whatever term you want to use. And this is just used to be able to really kind of crush and stop out people who would have some sort of legitimate questions towards the information that they’re receiving, right? So this is how they kind of label you. And when they label you that way, who wants to be labeled as the negative thinker or that’d be down or whatever you want to call it, right? So they use this as a way to stifle any type of legitimate criticism or not even criticism, legitimate questions that may run counter to the positivity theme. So again, when you see this, you have to, again, raise your eyebrow, say, wait a minute, because really any legitimate business, we all know that nothing ever works perfectly all the time. It’s just not the reality, right? So if you ask, if you ask a tough question to someone about their business or about certain things that they’re telling you, and they just label you, they just discard you and throw you into this negative trash bin label. Then you have to wonder because I think they, you know, anybody that has legitimate business, you ask them a tough question. If they’re knowledgeable, they’ll admit to you right away that, hey, this is a legitimate issue, but let me explain to you the best way to we can overcome that. So I think you just get people that are constantly just discarding people and labeling them as negative to anybody that runs counter to their positivity theme. That’s something that you definitely want to be wary about and proceed with caution.



Do you have anything to add Derren?



No, I think Jay said at all. I’m not just with courses or real estate projects, I think in life in general when you aren’t allowed to ask questions is when you need to question.



Actually, I’ve been there. I’ve done that because both two courses and plus two real estates, the one that they say sign now because you’re going to get an AC in your house if you sign now. Sign now, because you’re going to get the washing machine in your house right now is, for example, sign now because this course is limited time. And I always say to that person, don’t sign now think about it first. And then the agent was saying like a dream stealer. Don’t be a negative thing, this is positive. We need to be positive about this. I’m not trying to be a negative thinker here. I’m just trying to help my friend to think about it again. Think about it more. Don’t just sign it at that time. Only when it’s hit as Derren say, the heat of the moment, just think about it, give it one day or one week. So then when you have already thought about it, then it’s your choice. Whether you’re going to sign it or not, it’s your choice, but don’t sign this on the first day.



Yes, most great deals, most deals in general, you know, there’ll be there tomorrow. I mean, if it’s there today, it’ll be there tomorrow. There’s no, this imminent sense of having to do with that day. And if it seems like they make that ultimatum to you, that it only is today and like you said before, I don’t just walk wherever, run, get on it, get on a motorbike, get in a Lamborghini and go the other way because I mean, they’re really trying to pull on this emotional sense of you and just try to wheel you in. But those are the things that you have to be careful about and be very cautious about



Actually happened because last time they were saying like sign today and you will have AC plus washing machine in your house if you signed today. And then after that, the next day, I think the next week I passed by that place and they’re still putting the sign that if you signed today, you will have AC and washing machine as like this is really real. So I guess probably they add more for the AC and for the washing machine to the property costs. So they’re going to give it to us, something like that. Okay. So it is great to talk to you both again. So I hope there’s going to be another episode about who knows what but then again, the scam is real. If there is a red flag, don’t just walk, run. If it’s too good to be true, it is too good to be true. So thank you Derren, thank you Jay and we will see you again soon.



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