
6 Steps to Starting Your Location Independent Business

Gary Vaynerchuk has said that “we are living in the best era of all time.”

I honestly believe that it is now easier to start a business or create a side hustle thanks to the internet. The internet does not care what color you are, what nationality you are, how tall or short you are etc. Clients only want to know whether or not, you can deliver on your value proposition.

Unfortunately, starting up in one thing but being successful is another. Part of being successful is understanding the rules of tax and business structures. These are things that are not taught in business school. Worse yet, entrepreneurs look for advice from unqualified and frankly dangerous keyboard warriors who mislead and misunderstand the nuances of international business rules.

That’s where teams like ours come in. We are a network of firms. We have 30 physical offices in 11 countries. Visit us on –




Connect with me on :  http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/derren-joseph-ea/2/533/34

Step 1 –

Find a team. It’s incredibly naïve to think one person sitting alone knows everything and has the bandwidth to keep up with the constantly evolving legal landscape. Read more here – https://www.mooresrowland.tax/2018/02/5-things-to-consider-in-choosing-right.html

Step 2-

If this is to be your main source of income? Start a company. In most jurisdictions, despite the higher compliance cost, the tax advantages of running your business through a company make it worthwhile. No one size fits all and your specific circumstances drive the best jurisdictions. Sit with your team and determine the best
jurisdiction for your LLC. For many it would be a  US LLC – https://www.mooresrowland.tax/2018/12/the-pros-and-cons-of-llcs.html

Step 3 –

Ensure you have a plan. Where are you going to be based? Even if you will physically be constantly moving? You NEED to be tax resident somewhere. Sit with your team and choose the right jurisdiction. Careful with those dangerous people who sell dreams of being tax resident nowhere as a perpetual nomad – https://www.mooresrowland.tax/2019/10/perpetual-nomad-is-it-possible-to-pay.html

Step 4 –

Now that you have your personal tax residency and your corporate tax residency (which, thanks to flag theory can be different places https://www.mooresrowland.tax/2019/05/flag-theory-aka-perpetual-traveler.html

You need to register for taxation. And consider your structure to be like a car, it needs to be serviced regularly. So that’s why you have a team (step 1) because as your circumstances change and the rules of these countries change, so do you need to update your structure.

Step 5 –

In terms of taxes, you have both direct and indirect taxes.  Direct tax would be income tax for both yourself (personal tax rates) and your company (corporate tax rates).

Here are some articles – 







Indirect taxes would be sales tax, use tax, VAT, GST etc. These are very very nuanced –

Here’s where you definitely need software or a tax team (if you’re a 6, 7 or 8 figure seller). In the US alone there are 10,000 sales and use tax jurisdictions. In the UK, you need to be planning for pre and post Brexit. This space is evolving rapidly.

Step 6 –

Don’t get caught up in trends. Popularity doesn’t mean tax efficiency. 

Let’s touch on a few of them –

There are many factors to consider when deciding which country to move to.

Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Your personal preferences: What are your interests and lifestyle goals? Do you want to live in a big city or a small town? Do you prefer a warm climate or a cold climate?
  • Your career: Evaluate the job opportunities in the country you’re considering. Do you need a visa or work permit?
  • Your family: If you have a family, you must also consider their needs. Are there good schools in the country you’re considering? Is healthcare affordable?
  • The cost of living: How much will it cost to live in the country you’re considering? Will you be able to afford housing, food, transportation, and other expenses?
  • The immigration process: How difficult is it to immigrate to the country you’re considering? How long will it take? How much will it cost?
  • The culture: What is the culture like in the country you’re considering? Are you comfortable with its language and customs?
  • Safety: How safe is the country you’re considering? Is there a risk of natural disasters or political instability?

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you can start to narrow down your options.

Here are some additional tips when deciding which country to move to:

  • Talk to people who have already moved to the country you’re considering. They can give you valuable insights about their experiences.
  • Visit the country if you can. This will allow you to experience the culture and see if it’s a good fit for you.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. If you’re unsure where you want to live, try moving to a few different countries before deciding.

Deciding which country to move to is a big decision, but it can be a very rewarding one.

There are numerous factors to consider when deciding where to incorporate a company. For most people, a key factor would be the location of key decision-makers and the banking regulations.

Here are some other factors to consider:

  • Taxes: The tax laws of the country you choose for incorporation will significantly impact your company’s bottom line. Some countries have very low corporate tax rates, while others have high rates. You’ll also need to consider the tax implications of doing business in other countries, as your company may face double taxation.
  • Regulations: The regulatory environment in your chosen country of incorporation will also affect your business. Some countries have strict regulations, while others have a more relaxed approach. Ensuring your company’s compliance with all relevant laws and regulations is essential.
  • Ease of Doing Business: The ease of conducting business in your chosen country is crucial. Some countries have efficient and transparent government processes, while others are more bureaucratic. Ensuring that your company can easily meet all legal requirements is important.
  • Culture: The culture of the country you select for incorporation will also impact your business. Some countries have business-friendly cultures, while others do not. You’ll need to ensure that your company’s culture aligns well with the local culture.
  • Personal Preferences: Finally, you should also consider your personal preferences when deciding where to incorporate a company. Some individuals prefer incorporating in countries with similar cultures, while others are more open to new experiences. You’ll need to determine what matters most to you and select a country that suits both you and your business.

After considering these factors, you can begin to narrow down your options.

Here are some additional tips for choosing where to incorporate a company:

  • Consult with a lawyer or accountant specializing in international business. They can provide valuable insights into the tax and regulatory implications of incorporating in different countries.
  • If possible, visit the country. This will allow you to experience the culture firsthand and determine if it’s a good fit for you.

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